Description: Limit of Regulated Area - Generic Regulation Line for the ERCA watershed. The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has developed a new Regulation Limit for hazardous lands, river and stream valleys, shorelines, watercourses and wetland systems in the ERCA's area of jurisdiction, based on the new Generic Regulation made under Section 28(1) of the Conservation Authorities Act. These limits will be used to map all hazard areas within the ERCA's area of jurisdiction, and will ultimately form the basis for Regulation for Development, Interference with Wetlands, and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses (Ontario Regulation 97/04). QUALIFIER: Limit of Regulated Area information copyright the Essex Region Conservation Authority. Limit of Regulated Area represented on this map are for visual reference only, and are not to be considered as legal boundaries. Confirmation of the actual boundaries of the Limit of Regulated Area would need to be field verified by ERCA staff to ensure compliance with the text based regulations as further detailed in the determination of regulation limits reference manual located at the ERCA office. Copyright ERCA 2005-2012 TIMESTAMP: June 1, 2012